“Gulbene Baltic Agro” Grain Elevator
Our company had been already working in several projects with these customers. All the projects were done successfully and in time.
Every grain elevator is being built by an individual project. So, within a short period of time it is needed to design customised software for the PLC and SCADA/HMI.
Our SCADA system is user-friendly and the operator can start to work independently since the first moment. The elevator control system is intelligent and corresponds respectively to all possible malfunctions in a safe way.
The optimisation of the motor start-up and control was carried out. The design of automation systems, manufacturing of the control and assemblage of control panels was done. All together with the electrical installation and mounting supervision.
After one week of operation after the commissioning, the customer approved the object. It was working efficiently and without any disturbances. Since the start-up of operation the customer hasn’t experience any problems.